Friday, May 30, 2008

The Leadership Summit

My Yearly Plug to do something with your gift of Leadership The Lord has given you. The Leadership Summit, hosted by Willow Creek, (and satellite fed to churches all over the world) is unbeatable.... my yearly dose of encouragement and inspiration for leaders, by leaders. Click on this blog title above to see the website, or check out the promo videos below for more information. Make this year the year that you attend....I have never had a new attendee tell me anything less than it was the best conference they had ever attended.

For My Cincy peeps: The Vineyard in Tri-County is a host. (click the church to sign up)
For My Massachusetts Peeps: Grace Chapel in Lexington is a host. (click the church to sign up)

Take It From Bill Hybels:

"The Leadership Summit is designed to be a can't-miss gathering for leaders serious about developing their leadership gift. The event features highly-respected senior pastors as well as innovative minds from the public and social sectors leading right where they are. Each session delivers practical learnings alongside inspiring programming to stretch your leadership bandwidth.

Every year the Summit is much more than "just a conference." It's crafted to envision, equip, and encourage teams with space to grow and learn together. It's two full days of opportunity—during sessions, over meals, and in the moments in between—to process the life-changing potential of your church in your community and the world."

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Matt said...
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