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3 years ago
This blog serves as a place to share some thought provoking observations that I see in the world around me... buckle your seat belts.
A final question that has greatly vexed Christian theologians concerns the age of those who are resurrected. If someone dies at the age of 60, will they appear in the streets of the New Jerusalem as an old person? And if someone dies at the age of 10, will they appear as a child? This issue caused the spilling of much theological ink, especially during the Middle Ages. By the end of the thirteenth century, an emerging consensus can be discerned. As each person reaches their peak of perfection around the age of thirty, they will be resurrected as they would have appeared at that time- even if they never lived to reach that age..... The New Jerusalem will thus be populated by men and women as they would appear at the age of thirty (the presumed age, of course, at which Christ was crucified)- but with every blemish removed.What!? First of all, he says that at the end of the 13th century, "an emerging consensus can be discerned." A consensus? As in a general agreement or collective thought among a group of people. As in more than one person thinks this is true? Regardless if it is true or not, it definitely stands as an interesting theory.